Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Good morning bloggers! tiba2 mo update blog yaw! pelik ka itue? hahah.. There's a lot thing d utak sa skrg. Too may questions! STUPID and PATHETIC questions! How I wish I could get the answer NOW, seriously NOW!! But, biar lah... this is life rite? there's ups and down..

Feels so down BUT there's a friend of mine that told me " pujuk hati sendiri, God sudah showed the truth, ada lgi yg lain deserved you the best, ada lgi ada problem lgi besar..takan pasal dia mau sedih2 uda kn..?" oh yeah mmg betul.. but I can't help it! dei...... bidah kn?hahaha...

The truth is, every fake smiles hide a million tears! agree????? How I wish this lappy can berjalan sendiri, sa ckp sja..dia pndai menaip kn?ngehhh...

I feel so guilty that I have to do that way just to find out the truth, BUT look at the bright side, kalu sa nda buat g2, sampai bila2 bha sa mcm gini kn? adui.... So sorry!! but its time to move on and get a life. I need a fresh track and new highway! haha.

but i guess, its better fro me to not involve in any relationship. you know why? I just don't have that trust anymore. " Sorry, my heart is closed for renovation"... I don't have the power to change anything and everything, I believe that God is always there with me, Holding my hands and guide me through this difficult time.

"Dear God, Bless him,open his mind, his heart and guide him to get a better life in the future. Forgive him as he just don't realize."

Some say, love you enough to let you go, Lenn say " I just don't love you this big anymore" Happy day peepz! ;D p.s mmg teruk la my rojak kn? ahaha.. my grammar getting worst!

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